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Orson | | | |
Keyon | Filling out PM tool with tasks Talking to team leads about long term goals Responding to training messages
| | Attempt converting arm SolidWorks file to plain URDF Finish filling out PM tool after syncing with Orson Sync with Nico (likely through DM) on tasks for navigation, read through 9/15 autonomy meeting notes
Colin | UWRTCanWrapper class is finished being updated from ROS 1 to ROS2, currently writes and reads to the CAN bus as raw data (templated to take any type) Wrote a test node that is a subscriber which reads from a topic (either a u_int32 or a float32) and writes that data to the can bus, the interface name is specified in the launch parameters the test node also has a timer that will periodically read from the can bus and print out the most recent data
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Nico | | | |