05/19/21 - FW/SW Task Planning S2021
05/19/21 - FW/SW Task Planning S2021
SW Tasks
- ODrive
- Connect ODrive to our CAN
- Put ODrive CAN descriptors in our YAML CAN suite (https://docs.odriverobotics.com/can-protocol)
- Create ODrive sw interface?
- ROS controller?
- Connect ODrive to our CAN
- ROS2 transition
- Integrate GitHub CI (Melvin + Orson)
- Utility package
- CAN rearchitecture
- Integrate ROS2 control (60% of repo)
- Integrate URDF with ROS2 (Abdul)
- Autonomy
- Need a robot state publisher node (for transformations)
- Update URDF
- Need robot joint positions
- Zed 2 camera + sensor data
- Create node to interface with these sensors
- Convert zed point cloud data to laser scan format (for SLAM)
- XML behaviour tree
- Pass waypoints for autonomy navigation
- Need a robot state publisher node (for transformations)
FW Tasks
- ODrive
- Integrating Netzer encoder support with ODrive firmware