Senna Onboarding Training Task Feedback

Senna Onboarding Training Task Feedback

General notes:

  • Part naming does not require you to add an additional digit as the numbers increase. For example in the new naming system, part 1 will be P001 while part 10 will be P010 not P0010.


Part Files

When trying to get your part fully constrained and extruding your initial boss, you should try to get your sketch and features centered across the primary planes. This means getting your sketch constrained as symmetrically as possible across the origin and extruding the first boss while selecting the midplane direction.

This particularly becomes useful when going with a bottom-up modelling approach since you will be able to use the planes as reference for creating mates. In comparison, a top-down modelling approach would have a co-ordinate system defined by a skeleton sketch. I can explain this better in person.



Redundant dimensioning. Will show you best practices of using relation constraints to minimize it

MR24-MT-P0005A (Drawing to part exercise)

Efficient use of features to achieve this part. Just a general notice, but you don’t necessarily need to show primary planes when you start a sketch


Here you can select Mid Plane to extrude 22mm symmetrically in both directions. Extruding twice is useful given asymmetry.


Similar feedback for a lot of the other parts designed. Please go through them to ensure sketches are properly constrained to the origin.

Wave Nano:

  • Ensure sketches are fully defined.

    • Sketches are dimensioned but need to ensure non spline primitives are fully defined. You may even go further by fixing a spline if you don't plan to make future modifications.

    • Understandably for modelling a part like the wave nano without proper dimensions for the curvature, you might’ve gone with a more freeform approach to dimensioning sketch, but a line should not go unconstrained.

  • Nice job with providing appropriate names for items in your feature tree. Even I don’t do that but will start to push for it on the team.

  • Interestingly, opening a sketch and adding the constraints mentioned above breaks the two lofts. This is why it is important to ensure sketches are fully defined before being added to an assembly. It is ok to go with a ‘freeform’ modelling style when you are just trying to get your thoughts together.




  • Redundant dimensioning. You can get away with indicating the dimensions are the same using TYP or without indicating it at all. Alternatively, you could also put a bracket around the dimensions to indicate it is purposely over specified for clarity.


Since the side view is at a diagonal, communicating most or all of the dimension in the top view will be more useful to someone manufacturing it using a CNC mill as an example.


Cutout positioning should be dimensioned





Assembly has a few concerns, feedback will be provided in person. Please make corrections to the part files towards that.

Overall great work! Training completion was paced really fast and good mechanical aptitude in modelling parts and drafting drawings. Need to work on ensuring best practices are followed.


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