Revamp Framework Proposal

Revamp Framework Proposal

Basic Background Information

  • Introduction
  • Machine Shop Safety Card - ON CAMPUS ONLY
    • (I'll have to look into how members can get this in covid)
  • Return To Campus Learn Training
    • (members need to do this to gain bay access so lets make everyone do it)
  • Solidworks Download Information
    • (Do team members just use MME codes, or does the team still have a sponsored code for solidworks registration?)
  • GrabCAD Workbench Installation
    • Setup information relevant to 2022 build folder (how to access, how to use it, what pushing/pulling means
  • Setting Up Solidworks Templates
    • Let's try to update these to be in metric before we update the training
  • Folder Organization, File Naming Convention and OTS component

Actual Training

IMO, the goal of training should be to test people on their Solidworks capabilities rather than teach them how to use SW. So, here is what I'm proposing for a new training:

  1. Part Fabrication: We should provide 2D drawings for various parts and tell people to make these parts in SolidWorks without further instructions. I'm thinking this step of training will involve approximately 5-6 different types of parts (that would use various different types of machining processes, -i.e. a lathed part, laser cut part, CNC milled part, 3D printed part, etc.). Obviously, if newer members are having trouble making these parts we can provide some help, but they will be basic enough as to where anyone should be able to make. Ideally the reviewer will be looking for good practices when viewing these parts - specifically good use of the hole feature on parts, minimal part features, proper material selection, etc. 
  2. Specing OTS components. We should give a list of OTS part descriptions, i.e. 4mm long M3 black socket head cap screw (not P/N) and tell people to find, download and save the files in their training folder according to OTS Component Etiquette.
  3. Creating an assembly using spec'd out OTS components and parts created in step 1. Members will be redirected to CAD Etiquette/Tips for Large Assemblies and we will look to see their use of fastener patterns, mate types etc.
  4. Quizzing new members about manufacturing techniques - new members should be asked explain what processes would be used to fabricate the parts modelled in step 1. This can just be done in a message when the new member contacts a team lead after finishing training
  5. Drawing fabrication - we will provide models for two parts, and ask members to fully dimension parts using our drawing templates

All files produced by the new member should be placed within their own training folder, and parts should be organized in sub folders emulating the file structure described in File Structure and File Naming

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