Week 1 Work Summary

This document will serve as a weekly retrospective, similar to the sprint retrospective you will have in the industry. It will help us organize all the progress and documentation you have worked on. This will also help the supervisor improve task planning and collaboration. Don’t be stressed if there is not a lot to put on this document. It is very typical if you just start looking into a new field, try to keep frequent communication with your supervisor, and we can work together.

How to use this document

  • Copy this template document and fill the document at the end of the week(normally on Friday Afternoon). This document should be a short 10 min update doc.



Weekly Progress Update

  • Torque Jig

    • Status: Completed

    • K:\University of Waterloo Robotics Team\Mars Rover\Sandbox\Senna Barborini\Torque Jig

    • image-20240913-140912.png (Not sure why so smol but it does open normally if opened in new tab)

    • Torque jig requires several clamps to remain stable during testing. It may be improved with clamping to the aft end of the bracket rather than adjacent to it.

  • Machining introduction

    • Status: Completed

    • N/A

    • image-20240913-140559.png

    • Now able to machine simple parts of 3 axis mill and lathe. Made wheel mount with aluminum round. Shown CNC machine process.

  • DT disassembly/reassembly

    • Status: In Progress

    • N/A

    • Don’t have any photos

    • Put “IN PROGRESS” since it may need to be reperformed in the near future to resolve the drive issues, however, all the wheels have been reattached for now.

  • Assembly Drawings

    • Status: Completed

    • N/A

    • Don’t have any photos

    • N/A

  • Part tolerancing

    • Status: Completed

    • N/A

    • Don’t have any photos

    • N/A