SAR 2023 - Projects
Listed below are a description of high level goals for each project
Descriptions have been added to Improve clarity of targeted goal
Priorities have been assigned in rough order of importance (I for very important / do this first, II for second, III for third … )
Task Breakdown
ID | Task Description | Subteam | Priority | Status |
ARM1 | Vet / validate full mechanical build | Mechanical | I |
ARM2 | Select wrist mount camera ; design wrist mount | Mechanical / Software | II |
ARM3 | Achieve position and speed control for each arm joint | Firmware | I |
ARM4 | Complete joint level load testing | Mechanical / Firmware | III |
ARM5 | Design low level control hardware interface | Software / Firmware | III |
ARM6 | Wire up the arm | Electrical | II |
ARM7 | Design + manufacture allen key tool | Mechanical | IV |
Ideal SAR Footage
Footage ID | Description | Priority |
V-ARM_A | B - Roll of assembled arm on driving drivetrain | I |
V-ARM_B | Joint level testing of fixed arm | II |
V-ARM_C | Whole arm moving on rover (joint level controls, very robotic feel) | III |
V-ARM_D | Footage of arm picking up various small items, interacting with buttons and switches
| IV |
V-ARM_E | Load testing of arm picking up 5kg | V |
Drivetrain and Power Systems
Task Breakdown
ID | Task Description | Subteam | Priority | Status |
DT1 | Finish design, assembly and validation of PDB 4.1 | Electrical | I |
DT2 | Validate functionality of OTS BMS | Electrical | I |
DT3 | Determine system/workflow to charge LiPo batteries | Electrical | I |
DT4 | Achieve independent control of each wheel motor | Firmware | I |
DT5 | Finish design, manufacturing and assembly of comms stand | Mechanical | I |
DT6 | Finish design, manufacturing and assembly of battery mount | Mechanical | II |
DT7 | Wire drivetrain | Electrical | II |
DT8 | Implement differential drivetrain control | Software | II |
DT9 | Implement Xbox/PS4 controls on drivetrain | Software | III |
DT10 | Finish design, manufacturing, and assembly of ebox v2 | Mechanical | III |
Ideal SAR Footage (All footage collected teleoperated, not wired)
Footage ID | Description | Priority |
V-DT_A | Rover driving on flat terrain (straight, turn in place, backing up) | I |
V-DT_B | Rover driving uphill (30deg incline or more) | II |
V-DT_C | Rover driving over tall osbtacles (12” obstacles, independant rocks, etc) | III |
V-DT_D | Rover driving on a loose sandy/dirt terrain | IV |
V-DT_E | Proper E-Stop functionality demo | V |
Task Breakdown
ID | Task Description | Subteam | Priority | Status |
COM1 | Set up 900 Mhz and 2.4 Ghz bands | Electrical | I |
COM2 | Set up 5 Ghz bands | Electrical | III |
COM3 | Verify that commands can be sent / received from Jetson to base station | Software | I |
COM3 | Achieve video streaming over base station | Software | II |
Task Breakdown
ID | Task Description | Subteam | Priority | Status |
NAV1 | Complete reliable ArCuo code detection of all potential patterns | Software | I |
NAV2 | Set up controller for gimbal (open loop, not autonomous) | Software/Firmware | II |
NAV3 | Validate functionality of LED matrix | Firmware/Electrical | I |
NAV3 | Implement LED matrix behaviour when ArCuo code is detected | Software | II |
NAV4 | Create “Gate” | Mechanical | III |
NAV5 | Create simple autonomy gate alignment script | Software | III |
NAV6 | Implement VectorNav to locate rover GNSS coordinates | Software | IV |
Ideal SAR Footage
Footage ID | Description | Priority |
V-NAV_A | POV Gimbal Footage detecting various ArCuo codes in environment | I |
V-NAV_B | POV Gimbal Footage of Autonomous test script (NAV5) | II |
V-NAV_C | Third Person Gimbal Footage of Autonomous test script (NAV5) | III |
V-NAV_C | GNSS Localization in Google Maps API (or similar) | IV |
Task Breakdown
ID | Task Description | Subteam | Priority | Status |
SCI1 | Complete full mechanical assembly | Mechanical | I |
SCI2 | Create/document dry lab chemical testing procedure for soil samples | Science | I |
SCI3 | Create low level arduino scripts to power every actuator, and read from every sensor on science | Mechanical | II |
SCI4 | Process a full a sample | Mechanical/Science | III |
SCI5 | Integrate DinoLite camera onto Jetson/ROS2/Linux environment to stream video | Software | IV |
Ideal SAR Footage
Footage ID | Description | Priority |
V-SCI_A | B-Roll of drivetrain driving around with science mechanism | I |
V-SCI_B | Close up of drill and suction soil operation | II |
V-SCI_C | Close up of sensor head application / sensor readouts | III |
V-SCI_D | Close up of soil samples being deposited into test tubes | IV |
V-SCI_E | Close up of chemical tests being applied to soil samples | V |
V-SCI_F | DinoLite POV Footage / third person application | VI |