Quest & Email - Prior Term Copy

Quest & Email - Prior Term Copy

The Prior Term Copy process is used to copy forward basic Schedule of Classes information from a previous like term to a new like term with a variety of selection options. Note that facilities and enrolments do not carry forward.

This procedure provides the steps for copying classes from one term to another.

The term dates should be requested about a week prior to give other areas time to set up. Contact the Grad office in Grad Studies to set up the GRD Regular term session dates. Contact the Records systems team to set up the UG Regular and PCS term session dates and ensure that PCS is run first.

The session dates should be verified using the Term/Session Table to confirm the start and end dates for each session, prior to executing the Prior Term Copy process.

Check with the Systems team to make sure prior term copy date is okay as scheduled and that PCS has already been run.

Log into SCHDPROC in Quest

View session dates for GRD and UG to ensure the beginning and end dates are correct for the new term (Term/Session Table)

  • Set Up SACR → Foundation Tables → Term Setup → Term/Session Table


  • To start navigate to: Curriculum Management → Roll Curriculum Data Forward → Copy Prior Term’s Schedule

  • On the Find an Existing Value page, in the run control ID, select Search. A list of run control IDs that you have created appears.

    • The run control on SCHDPROCs account is “Prior_Term_Copy”

If there’s no run control you would need to create a new one by selecting the “Add a New Value”


  • There are two tabs in the Prior Term Copy process. Use the Copy Prior Term’s Schedule tab to set the selection parameters for the terms and groups of classes for copying. Use the Copy Prior Term’s Schedule2 tab to select the details attached to the classes for copying.

The Copy Prior Term’s Schedule panel appears


  • In the Institution field, accept the default of UWATR.

  • From the Roll From Term look up list, select the applicable term from which you wish to copy term information (last like term).

  • From the Roll To Term look up list, select the applicable term you wish to create.

  • From the Academic Group look up list, select the Academic Group for which classes will be copied.

    • There should be 13 panels for “Regular” session:

      • AHS

      • ART

      • CGC

      • ENG

      • ENV

      • GRAD

      • MAT

      • REN

      • SCI

      • STJ

      • STP *This is still STP even though it has “changed” to UTD

      • THL

      • VPA

  • These fields should be blank:

    • Subject Area

    • Catalog Number From

    • Catalog Number To

    • Campus

  • The Session drop-down list should be Regular for all classes.

To add additional selection criteria such as another Academic Group to the Prior Term Copy process, select the plus button. Repeat the steps above.


  • Select the Copy Prior Term’s Schedule2 tab.

  • Under the Class Status section, choose the status of classes you wish to copy forward.

    • Active and Stop Enrl (this includes closed sections) (Should be checked on). Cancelled and Tentative should be left unchecked.

  • Select Roll Options as required.

    • The tick boxes that should be CHECKED are: Roll Combined Sections, Roll Class Notes, and Roll Reserve Capacities

    • The tick boxes that should be UNCHECKED are: Use Catalog Component, Roll Room Characteristics, Roll Meeting Patterns, Roll Instructors, Roll Class Requisites, Roll Class Attributes, Roll Textbook Assignments, Roll Class Assoc Attributes

  • Select the save button

    • The system saves the report parameters under your run control ID

  • Select Run button.

    • The Process Scheduler Request dialog box appears. Ensure the server name says “SISP1”.

  • Select OK.

The Prior Term Copy process starts


  • To observe the status of your process request, select the Process Monitor link.

To exit the Prior Term Copy panel group, on the toolbar, select the Go back to Copy Prior Term’s Schedule


Once Prior Term Copy has a run status of Success and a distribution of “Posted”, the Scheduling Office asks the SISP team to include the new term in the drop down list on the Schedule of Classes by creating a Jira “Records Support - Quest”, and this should be the contents of that request (Jira Ticket after Prior Term copy has run ). The scheduling team will change the notes on the Schedule of Classes and Class Search, here’s the procedure to change the note on the schedule of classes web site.

Once the Prior Term Copy is complete the Scheduling Office must also run Queries and carry out clean ups.

  • Schedule of Classes – run for previous like term to find all sections that were cancelled (X in the Class Stat column). Use this to see if the current term needs to have sections renumbered because those cancelled sections will not carry forward. Also remove any of “Off Exchange” courses using the newly added term UW_RS_SCH_SCHEDULEOFCLASSES_SB

  • Consent Mismatch - Consents should match the catalog consent the schedule of classes consent should be changed. Run it for GRD and UG (leave SWREN as is, SEQ should have add and drop consent always on) UW_RS_SCH_CONSENT_CHECK_LW

  • Drop Consent Mismatch - Consents should match the catalog consent the schedule of classes consent should be changed. (Engineering; SYDE, ECE, ME, GEOE, ENVE, should have drop consent on in the catalog, SEQ should have drop consent on, even if it' doesn’t match the catalog) UW_RS_SCH_CONSENT_CHK_DROP_SB

  • Grading basis doesn’t match the catalog (Exception is PD - leave that as is) UW_RS_SCH_GRD_BASIS_NE_SB

  • Unit weights don’t match the catalog, change scheduling units to match catalog units UW_RS_SCH_UNTS_NE_CAT_UNTS_SB

  • Components not in catalog but have been scheduled UW_RS_SCH_COMP_CHCK_SB

  • Primary component not graded component  UW_RS_SCH_CMPNT_MISMATCH_LW

  • Fixing mismatched class components UW_RS_SCH_MISSING_COMPONENT_JV

  • Run after above query to re-add any that were accidentally removed UW_RS_SCH_COMP_NOT_ASS_CLS_JV and UW_RS_SCH_ASSOC_COMP_MISMATCH

  • Fixing Auto Enrol with no secondary component UW_RS_SCH_AUTO_NO_AUTO_ENRL_NP

  • Fixing reserve capacity sequence orders UW_RS_RESERVE_CAP_ORDER_NP

  • Check Combined section totals to ensure they match (create new column and add formula (=EXACT(F3,G3)) UW_RS_SCTN_CMBN_TOTALS_SB

  • Removing the TST component from online courses – it forces the departments requesting the addition to get approval from CEL (except STAT 230 and 231) - UW_RS_SCH_TRM_W_TST_COMP_S

Once the query cleanup has been done and the new term is appearing on the schedule of classes, inform the Scheduling Representatives to access this preliminary information for the new term and provide a deadline by which they must send information to the Scheduling Office. The email to be sent out to the scheduling reps:

Did you know that “STEP” stands for Scheduling, Timetabling and Examination Project? Now you do!

From: UW Regstep <uwaterloo.step@uwaterloo.ca>  

Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:37 AM 

To: All scheduling reps

Cc: Jennifer Coghlin <jennifer.coghlin@uwaterloo.ca>; Elysia Gallinaro <egallinaro@uwaterloo.ca>; Tanya Pompilio <tpompilio@uwaterloo.ca>; Libby Askin <elaskin@uwaterloo.ca>; Madi Polanic <mpolanic@uwaterloo.ca>; Danielle Jeanneault <danielle.jeanneault@uwaterloo.ca>; Meghan Miceli; exams@uwaterloo.ca

Subject: Prior Term Copy: Fall 2024


Dear Graduate and Undergraduate Scheduling Reps, 

We ran Fall 2024 Prior Term Copy last week which means you now have access to the Fall 2024 (1249) term on the Schedule of Classes.   

The following information needs to be reported to the Scheduling Office (regstep@uwaterloo.ca) by March 22, 2024: 

  • New course/section additions 

  • Course/sections deletions 

  • Topic titles 

  • Course limit adjustments 

  • Campus/locations (UW/U, AFIW sections, OFFs, CAMBRIDGE, STRATORD, KITCHENER, BLND sections, ONLN ONLINE etc.)

  • Reserve cap adjustments/deletions 

  • Course enrolment notes to appear on the Schedule of Classes  

Please digitally copy your Fall 2024 course information from the Schedule of Classes. Indicate any necessary changes digitally using red font.  Strike out any courses that will not be offered and edit any section limits/reserve caps, campus/locations or topic titles that need editing.  Course/section additions should be added to the bottom of your submission.  If you have courses or course sections that do not belong to you on your submission, please leave these sections as is without any markings. If you manage any heldwith courses, please contact the Scheduling Representative who schedules the course(s) held with yours to coordinate joint information. 

Please do not include meet patterns, Selected Teaching Windows, forced times, constraints, rooms or instructor information at this time.  You will enter this information, along with your course combinations, into the DCU beginning April 1, 2024

Please remember that due to the limited number of time slots available, instructors who wish to use a 1x3 hour pattern during the day may not choose the 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. teaching window. 

As you collect your Fall 2024 scheduling information, you also need to collect constraints (course, room and instructor). Chair-approved Level 1 & 2 instructor constraints must be submitted to the Scheduling Office on the Instructor Constraint Chair Approval Form (you will enter level 3 constraints into the DCU). We have attached the Instructor Constraint Chair Approval form and the Department Meeting Request form. Instructor Constraint Guidelines for your Chair’s reference can be found here: https://uwaterloo.ca/registrar-resources/scheduling-and-examinations/instructor-constraint-guidelines  

For an overview of the scheduling cycles as well as access to detailed information on each step throughout the scheduling cycle (note that you will be asked to login to the Registrar faculty and staff resource site), please see: https://uwaterloo.ca/registrar-resources/scheduling-and-examinations/term-scheduling-cycle-tasks  

A review of some key deadlines/dates for the Fall 2024 term: 

March 4 - 22 – You will clearly markup Fall 2024 course section information on a Schedule of Classes digital copy and forward it to regstep@uwaterloo.ca 

April 1 - 16DCU will be open for you to input meet patterns, room requests, course combinations and constraint information. 

April 18 – You will forward the Instructor Constraint Chair Approval forms and any applicable Department Meeting forms to regstep@uwaterloo.ca  

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact anyone in the Scheduling Office. 

Happy scheduling! 

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