Instructions for updating the term (parameters) on the schedule of classes and in Class Search
The terms will get updated after the Prior term copy has happened
To have access to these drive you must be connect to the VPN at all times (it’s annoying…but apparently that’s a thing).
Map a new drive
PROD mapping (currently mapped to S:) :
IST can also make these changes. The current people with access are Elysia and Libby
Any changes made to these files will occur when the cron job runs - this one only runs overnight.
The cron job is what updates the main text on the schedule of classes - this is a Jo Voisin terminology.
Select the career (UG or GRD)
dropdowndefault file: this file determines which term will be the default term from the list of terms. The file contains ONLY a number. Only 1 row and 1 number. So if you want the fourth term in the list to be the default then you just enter a '4'. The change will occur when the cron job runs - this one only runs overnight.
wordingchoice file: this file contains the term definitions. Eg. Term (1201=Winter 2020, 1205=Spring 2020, 1209=Fall 2020, 1211=Winter 2021)
wording_prelim file: this file contains the note that gets added when a new term is added but the schedule is not uploaded yet. Eg. Note: Winter 2021 information is preliminary/subject to change. You can remove this note and have a blank file
Not currently mapped drive for classes-dev. ( &
Jeff Voskamp can add security - put in an RT to General queue.
In the run control if you add “led-c-dev” as the Target host name then it will point to the dev version of the SoC in any instance of Quest that you'd like.
Updating the messages in the Class Search:
Waterloo Student Admin → CEM → Setup → Class Search Message Setup
The Private class Search Details are for users with a log in (Staff, Students, Faculty)
The Public Class Search is for those without a user log in.
once the message has been updated in all 6 boxes, select save and the messages are updated right away.