Managing grade Categories and Items
After you create a gradebook category or item, you can edit how and when it is displayed, and apply release conditions to it.
Table of Contents:
Setting availability for a Category or Item
Select Grades from the course navbar.
From the Manage Grades area, select the name of the category or item that you want to edit.
Select the Restrictions tab.
If you want to make the grade item available to selected users during a special time period, enter a Start Date and/or End Date in the Availability section. If you don’t want users to be able to see the grade item select Hide from Users.
Note: if you select "Hide from Users", that overrides the Start/End Date and it will remain hidden until "Hide from Users" is manually unchecked.If you add a start and/or end date you can select to Display in Calendar.
Click Save and Close, Save or Save and New.
Setting Release Conditions for a Category or Item
Release conditions enable you to associate a category or item with other items in the Learning Environment. For example, you could require that users complete the last assignment in the category Unit 1 before the category Unit 2 appears in their gradebook.
Select Grades from the course navbar.
From the Manage Grades area, select the name of the category or item that you want to edit.
Select the Restrictions tab.
Under Release Conditions select either Attach Existing or Create and Attach.
If creating a new one, select your condition type (e.g., Content Topic Visited -- students must read course requirements before marks will be released) and condition details and click Create.
Click Save and Close, Save or Save and New.
For additional information, see the Release Conditions documentation.
Reordering Categories and Grade Items
Select Grades from the course navbar.
From the Manage Grades area, click the More Actions button and select Reorder from the drop-down menu.
Select a new position for a category or grade item using the Sort Order drop-down menu beside its name. The positions of other categories and grade items adjust accordingly.
Click the Save button.
Deleting Categories and Grade Items
You cannot delete grade items that are associated with another course object, such as a quiz, discussion topic, or dropbox folder. To delete the grade item you must first remove the association. Click the Information icon (?) next to a grade item with an association to view details about where the item is used.
Select Grades from the course navbar.
From the Manage Grades area, click the More Actions button and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
Select the checkbox beside the category or grade item you want to delete. Selecting a category does not select the grade items that reside in it. If you delete a category the grade items associated with it become independent grade items.
Click the Delete button and in the Confirmation window click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
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