Calculating Final Grades

Calculating Final Grades

Moving the Final Calculated Grade to the Final Adjusted Grade

To provide an opportunity for instructors to adjust final grades for individual students, the Final Adjusted Grade is the grade on record and the grade that will be ultimately exported to be uploaded to Quest.

Step One:

  1. Select Grades from the course navbar.

  2. From the Manage Grades area, select the down arrow beside Final Calculated Grades and select Enter Grades.

    down arrow beside Final Calculated Grade highlighted. Arrow pointing at Enter Grades.
  3. From the Final Grades page, select the down arrow and select Transfer All. This will transfer all final calculated grades to adjusted final grades. Any manually entered adjusted grade will be overwritten by this action.

    Down arrow beside Final Grades highlighted. Arrow pointing at Transfer All

Step Two:

This step is only necessary if there are students whose Final Calculated Grade needs to be adjusted to reflect a different marking scheme or requires alterations.

  • A grade may be manually adjusted by replacing the existing mark with the new mark.


  • The software can recalculate the final grade based on a different grade item configuration by selecting the calculator icon across from the affected student.

In the example below, the student missed taking the first quiz, so the software will recalculate the grade without including the first quiz.  Click on the Calculate button to transfer the newly calculated grade to the gradebook. The gradebook will skew the remaining grade items to produce a new final grade.

Once all the adjustments have been made, click the Save button.

Exporting Adjusted Final Grades for Quest

Step Three:

  1. Select Grades from the course navbar.

  2. Select the Enter Grades tab from the upper left-hand corner.

  3. Click the Export Adjusted Final Grades for Quest button.

  4. A window will appear with a hyperlink containing the file. Click on the hyperlink. Save this file onto your machine with a new name so that it can be easily identified in the future (e.g., SOC101FinalWinter2020.csv)

 During peak grade export times (end of term) you may be asked to "try again" as other instructors may also be accessing the Export tool. Please wait a few minutes and try the process again.

Mac Users grade files must be comma-separated value files with the extension Windows Comma Separated (.csv) or Quest will import the file incorrectly.

Step Four:

  1. Log in to Quest and upload the file. Instructions for uploading grades to Quest see, How do I upload my final grades.


Need help?

Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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