Reviewing Grades in the Enter Grades View

Reviewing Grades in the Enter Grades View

To view a table of all grades currently entered into the gradebook, select Grades from the course navbar, then select Enter Grades.

Submission icons for reviewing grades

From the Enter Grades area, additional columns will appear for those grade items associated with an activity in the course (quiz, dropbox). Clicking on the submission icon will take you to the submission and clicking on the Assessment icon will access the rubric and feedback data.

In the example below, a dropbox is linked to the grade item.

Submission icon highlighted.

Using Event Log to monitor grade entries

The Event Log allows you to see who has entered or modified grades. This is especially helpful when there are multiple TAs or Instructors enrolled in the course.

Click the down arrow beside the name of the student you wish to review and select View Event Log.

Arrow pointing at down arrow beside user and arrow pointing at view event log option.


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