Quiz and Survey question types

Quiz and Survey question types

In Waterloo LEARN there are 12 different types of questions that can be used in Quizzes and Surveys. This guide provides explanations of how to create the various types of questions.

Table Of Contents:

When creating survey questions you will not have the option to enter/indicate the correct answer(s) or, allocate points, weight or a difficulty level to questions. Some options, such as adding a hint, are not available in surveys.

True or False Questions (T/F)

True or false (T/F) questions present a statement which respondents must determine is correct or incorrect.

  1. Enter the question into the Question Text field. This is what the students will see and will be required to answer for the statement of the question.

    • When entering the Question Text, the HTML editor option will appear. This tool can use used to format your questions, insert images or videos, or widen the question area.

      True and False Question with Question Text highlighted and arrow pointing at HTML editor
  2. Select whether the answer is True or False. For surveys, you do not indicate a correct answer.