Entering Grades

Entering Grades

There are several options for entering grades.

Table of Contents:

Enter Grades for a Grade Item

  1. Select Grades from the course navbar.

  2. From the Manage Grades area, click the down arrow beside the grade item you want to enter grades for and select Enter Grades from the drop-down menu.

    Manage Grades tab highlighted. Arrow pointing at grade item down arrow. Arrow pointing at Enter grades from drop-down menu.

Enter grades using the spreadsheet view of the User List

  1. Select Grades from the course navbar.

  2. Select the Enter Grades tab from the upper left-hand corner.

  3. Click the Switch to Spreadsheet View button.

    Enter grades tab highlighted. Switch to Spreadsheet View button highlighted.

Enter grades by user or group

  1. Select Grades from the course navbar.

  2. Select the Enter Grades tab from the upper left-hand corner.

  3. Use Search For: to locate a specific student or you can increase your view per page from the default 20 to a larger number.

  4. Use the View By filter to restrict your view by section or group. You must select Apply to invoke the filter.


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