Grading a Turnitin Dropbox

Grading a Turnitin Dropbox

When grading a Turnitin dropbox, it is best to access the similarity report and enter the appropriate grade in the out of score box in the Turnitin interface.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. Select the name of the dropbox that contains the submission you want to evaluate.

  4. Once you enter a dropbox, you can view submissions by User or by Files.

  5. Click on the user's Turnitin Similarity report.

    Arrow pointing at students Turnitin Similarity percentage. The percentage is 100 percent
  6. After you have accessed the Turnitin Similarity Report you can provide feedback and add comments to the submission (optional). Under the instructor feedback layer (blue icons) there are the following options:

    • Click QuickMarks to add pre-generated comments. Highlight the text you wish to comment on and select the comment you want to attach. You can search for comments or select different QuickMark sets.

      QuickMarks icon highlighted.
    • Click Feedback Summary to add a voice comment or a text comment about the submission.

  7. In the report, enter the grade for the student in the out of score box.

  8. When you return to the dropbox and click the evaluate link you will see the option to use the score entered in the Turnitin out of score box.

  9. Click Use this score and the dropbox feedback will save the grade from the Similarity Report in the LEARN dropbox (and Grades if connected).

  10. Click the Save Draft if you plan to release the feedback for all users at the same time later or click the Publish button if you want to release feedback to this user immediately.

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