Managing Dropbox Submissions

Managing Dropbox Submissions


  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. To view dropbox submission, click on the dropbox name. Before going into a dropbox to view submissions, you can also see how many files have been submitted in total, how many have been evaluated, how many are unread, how many are flagged and due dates, directly from your list of folders.

  4. Once you enter a dropbox folder, you can view submissions by User or by Submissions.

    Dropbox folder on 'User' tab with the 'Users' tab highlighted. Arrows pointing at students name and the file the student submitted titled 'Personal Chat.png'
    • In the User view, you are shown a list of student names followed by their submission. Or, if you have created a group dropbox, instead of a list of student names you will see a list of group names followed by the group submission.

    • In the Submissions view, you are shown a list of submitted assignments.

  5. In both views, a number of tools are available to you to help you manage submissions.

    Dropbox folder on users tab
    • The checkbox in the table header allows you to select all the submissions at once, clicking the checkbox beside a submission selects that particular submission. The other functions in the toolbar will apply to the selected submissions. Clicking the checkbox in the table header to select all the submissions at once only selects the submissions that you can see on that page. The default setting is generally only 20 submissions per page. You may want to switch this to a maximum of 200 per page. If you have more than 200 students in your class, you will have to select all submissions and perform any functions (including saving) page by page.

    • The download button allows you to download all the selected files to your computer. The files will be downloaded as a .zip file.

      1. To download submissions, select the files you want to download. Students without submission will be ignored for the download, so you can select everything rather than one by one.

      2. Click the download button and the submissions will be put into a .zip file.

      3. A pop-up window will appear with the .zip file, click the link that appears below “Your file is ready to download.” A File Download window will open, click Save. Choose where on your computer you want to save the file to, and click Save again.

      4. Unzip the file on your computer and go into the unzipped folder to view the downloaded submissions. You will notice that the student files are automatically renamed to include the student’s name (or group name) and submission time followed by the title the student gave to the file.

      5. The folder will also contain an index.html file which is a summary of the submissions.

    • The Email button allows you to email selected students. You can also use the Email Users Without Submissions button at the top of the page. You could use this to send reminders to students.

    • The Mark as Read and Mark as Unread buttons allow you to mark submissions as either read or unread to help you keep track of when submissions come in. Marking submissions as read/unread will also clear the notifications that may appear on the Course Home page. You can also mark submissions as read/unread by clicking the envelope icon beside the submission name.

    • The Delete button allows you to delete all submissions from selected users. You can also click the delete button beside each individual submission.

    • The Publish Feedback button will allow you to post all feedback for all students at one time. When adding your feedback to specific submissions you can save the feedback as a draft and use this button to release saved feedback.

    • Flagged items have a red flag icon, while unflagged items have a white flag icon.

    • Both the Users and Submissions view also have search/filter functionality. If you cannot see all of these search options, select Show Search Options.

    • You can View By user or group, Search for student or group names, filter based on Submissions (with or without) and Feedback (with or without). Under the Files view you can also filter by Read Status (read/unread) or Flag Status (flagged/unflagged). Once you have selected the criteria you want to search/filter for, click the Search button. To return to the original view, you will need to click Clear Search.

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