Grading Dropbox Submissions and Providing Feedback

Grading Dropbox Submissions and Providing Feedback

Table of Contents

You can provide feedback and bulk upload the feedback files but you cannot bulk add a score. Scores must be entered one submission at a time.

Grading Dropbox Submissions

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. Select the name of the dropbox that contains the submission you want to evaluate.

  4. Once you enter a dropbox, you can view submissions by User or by Files. Feedback can only be added from the Users view.

  5. In the User view, you are shown a list of student names (or groups) followed by their submission.

  6. Click on the Evaluate link and you will be taken to an Evaluate page.

    Dropbox folder with a students submission and an arrow pointing at the 'Evaluate' link
  7. Under the Submission section, you are once again given the opportunity to view/download the file by clicking on the file name, download all files by clicking on the Download All Files button.

  8. Under Evaluation and Feedback on the right-hand side, you can assess the submission.

    Evaluation and feedback panel with a score of 15 out of 20 and 'Feedback' left in the Feedback field
    • Under Rubrics, if there is an associated rubric click on the rubric name to complete it. Click Close. If no rubric is associated with the dropbox, you can also Associate Rubric or Create Rubric.

    • Under Score, enter the score for the assignment.

    • Under Feedback, you can provide your comments about the submission. Add your comments to the Feedback box.

    • Under Feedback, you can Add a File (e.g., their submission with feedback/corrections), Record Audio to add verbal feedback, or Record Video to provide visual and verbal feedback.

  9. Once you have finished adding feedback, click the Save Draft button if you plan to release the feedback for all users at the same time later or click the Publish button if you want to release feedback to this user immediately.

  10. To move to the next student's submission you can click on the forward arrow on the top right-hand of the page or the back arrow to go to the previous student. If you have finished leaving feedback click the Back to Folder Submissions button on the top left-hand side of the page to return to the submissions view.

  11. From the dropbox submission view, you will either see a Draft Saved or Published links which will return you to the feedback page.

  12. To Publish Draft Feedback select the dropbox, check the box to the left of the submissions and click Publish Feedback

  13. Feedback from the dropbox will be automatically sent to Grades if you have your dropbox is linked to a grade item.

The Search Filter will need to be adjusted to find students without submissions. Click on Show Search Options, change the Submissions dropdown to Users without submissions or Show everyone, and click on the magnifying glass to refresh the search. Follow the steps above to Evaluate for these students too.

Bulk Uploading Submission Feedback

An instructor can bulk download to the zip file, open the files on their computer and add markup or text feedback to the file, re-save it - but they need to keep the numbers at the front of the filename - and then bulk upload them to the dropbox. Let me know if you have questions about this.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. Select the name of the dropbox that contains the submission you want to provide feedback for.

  4. Select the dropbox submissions you wish to bulk publish feedback for by selecting the checkbox on the left of the table header of the submissions area on the Folder Submissions page.

  5. Select the Download option. A .zip file will be created, click Download.

  6. Open the .zip file on your device. You can add markup and/or provide feedback to the file and re-save it. When saving the document you must keep the numbers at the front of the filename.

  7. You can repeat step 6 for the remaining submissions in the .zip file.

  8. When ready, return to the dropbox and click Add Feedback Files button.

  9. Upload the .zip file in the same format that it was downloaded in and click Add.

  10. The feedback files should now be attached to the corresponding submissions.

Releasing Dropbox Feedback All at Once

In order to control when feedback is released to students, especially in situations where there are multiple markers, it is possible to save the feedback in draft format and make the feedback and marks available all at once. Make sure to use the Save Draft option when providing feedback.  This will prevent feedback from transferring to the gradebook (if you have an associated grade item in the gradebook) and will hide any feedback from the students.

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. When ready to release the feedback, select the dropbox by clicking on the Dropbox name.

  4. Click the Publish All Feedback button. A confirmation window will appear before the feedback is published. Click Yes to publish and release the feedback.

Releasing Dropbox Feedback for Select Submissions

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Dropbox.

  3. When ready to release the feedback, select the dropbox by clicking on the Dropbox name.

  4. Select the dropbox submissions you wish to publish feedback for by selecting the checkbox on the left of the table header of the submissions area on the Folder Submissions page.

  5. Select the Publish Feedback. A confirmation window will appear before the feedback is published. Click Yes to publish the release the feedback.

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