Viewing quiz statistics
Please see the additional articles available regarding the New Quiz experience.
The Course Statistics section of the Quizzes tool shows analytics for each quiz. You can view data for the whole class, individual students, and questions. No data will be available for a quiz until a student has completed it.
Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to Submit in the top menu bar and choose Quizzes.
Select the down arrow next to the quiz you wish to view the stats for and select Statistics.
There are three tabs available for viewing quiz data:
User Stats: This page opens by default. It shows the quiz data by user, including the score distribution for the whole quiz, the class average, and each student’s grade on the quiz.
Question Stats: This page shows the data for the quiz filtered by questions, including the score distribution, average score, standard deviation, discrimination, and point biserial on a question. To see a preview of a question in a popup window, select the question name.
Question Details: This page shows each question, the correct answer, the percentage of times each answer was selected, as well as the average grade, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.
4. Each tab has an Export to csv file button available if you wish to export the data.
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