Third-party cookies error when accessing Teams online

Third-party cookies error when accessing Teams online

The following error message may appear when attempting to access Microsoft Teams using a web browser window, particularly Google Chrome and Firefox: “To open the web app, you need to change your browser settings to allow third-party cookies”. To resolve this, the browser privacy settings must be updated to allow “https://login.onmicrosoft.com” as a cookie exception to your web browser.

Google Chrome

Follow the instructions listed under “Allow or block cookies for a specific site” and add https://login.onmicrosoft.com

When using Google Chrome, you may also need to add the additional exceptions below:






Mozilla FireFox

Follow the instructions listed under “Check sites that are blocked from setting cookies” and add https://login.onmicrosoft.com


Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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