WatIAM Sponsored Accounts – Microsoft 365 Licensing

WatIAM Sponsored Accounts – Microsoft 365 Licensing

This article covers how to use the new M365 Licensing Portal to manage licenses for sponsored accounts. Unlike before, licensing will now be handled separately from the WatIAM identity process and must be managed through the new M365 License Portal.

Table of Contents:

Changes to Sponsored Account Licensing

Effective Monday, March 3, requesting and managing a Microsoft 365 (M365) license (including access to email) for a sponsored account will now be required separately from the WatIAM identity process and will be using the new M365 License Portal.  Previously, a person sponsoring a WatIAM identity could select what M365 license they required for that account.

In order to submit an M365 license request for a sponsored identity, the identity will first need to have been created and claimed via the existing WatIAM account sponsorship process.  Once this is completed you may utilize the M365 License Portal to request the license.

Who can access the M365 License Portal?

  • Any active UW employee.

What M365 License Types are available to request?

  • A0 – Email only (similar to a Sponsored Exchange Account)

  • A1 – Email + OneDrive + M365 Web apps (Word/Excel, etc can only be accessed via portal.office.com)

  • A3 – Email + OneDrive + M365 Desktop (Microsoft Office applications can be installed and accessed from a desktop/laptop)

Can other WatIAM identities be input to provision an M365 license?

While any WatIAM identity can be input into the system, most identities should already be provided M365 licensing via existing processes (such as full-time employees, alumni, students, etc…).  Here are some use cases for what identities should be entered into the new system:

  • Generic/Service accounts

  • Affiliated Person (external member of the UW community being granted access to a UW WatIAM identity)

  • New hires requiring access to M365 prior to their official start date

  • Standard identities requiring temporary upgraded M365 licensing (ie: an Alumni who only has A0 but is working with the campus for a period of time and requires an A1 or A3 to do the work)

Do identities licensed through the new portal expire?

Yes, all use cases listed above will expire 1 year past the date at which the license was granted.  A renewal email will be sent to the license sponsor (and additional contact if provided) at 30 days and 7 days prior to expiration.  A renewal link is provided within to simplify the renewal process. 

The only exception is for new hires requiring access to M365 prior to their start date.  Those will automatically expire after 6 months and cannot be renewed.  If the license is required after those 6 months, a new 6 month license can be requested.  Expiration emails are still sent at the 30 and 7 day intervals.

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