Sponsored Account Details and Functions
Sponsored Account Views
You can select from either the Active or Archived tabs to quickly filter between active sponsorships and ones that have either expired, been revoked, or rejected upon initial request.
From the My Sponsorships page, you can select an account and open its Properties to view information about the account, including the License Type, the current or original sponsor, the Notification Contact (with the ability to Change or Remove it), and some other details regarding the use of the account and sponsoring department.
The Timeline is a visual representation of activity that has occurred on the current account and when it took place.
Request History
Any Jira requests related to the account will be displayed in a table showing: the requestor, the current owner of the ticket, its current status, the subject/activity, as well as the ticket number that can be clicked to open the Jira ticket in a new browser window. This information is updated in near real-time to ensure accuracy between Jira and the portal.
When opened, a flyout to the right-hand side will display a list of comments applied to the account, who made them, when it was made and the ability to add a new comment. If the selected account was created in a request with multiple accounts, a checkbox will be displayed to choose to add the new comment to all the accounts under that original request.
Other Site Functions
My Profile
By clicking your profile icon in the top right, you can change the site theme (light/dark mode) and logout:
Help Center
The portal has a robust help center built in to assist you with many functions of the site and generate Jira requests for a multitude of options:
o If you need help with the site or have a general question
Sponsorship Support
o Account/Request Number
Depending on the option above you can select from a list of active sponsorships or request numbers (tickets related to the original provisioning of accounts)
Select the help you require
- Change Sponsor
- Change License Type
- Account Renewal
- Revoke License
- Other
o When a request is created under this option, the Requests for the accounts reflected will show the Jira ticket associated to follow its status.
Feature Request
o If you would like a new feature to be requested for possible implementation to improve the functionality of the portal
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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