How To Renew An Expiring License

How To Renew An Expiring License

At 9am EST daily, the system will determine any upcoming licenses that are expiring in either 30 or 7 days from the current day.  When an account is found to expire in that time frame, an email will be sent to the sponsor and any additional contacts that were added indicating the expiration, with a link to renew the licenses, if applicable.  An email is sent for each set of accounts under a particular request they were originally requested under.  These emails will only ever come from “UW M365 Licensing <uwm365licensing@uofwaterloo.onmicrosoft.com>".


If all the licenses listed are to be renewed, click the Renew All Licenses link which will load the UW M365 License Portal and automatically begin the renewal process.  If you only wish to renew a subset of the licenses, you will need to access the Portal to individually renew each required license.

Renew All Licenses

Licenses renewed via this method will be renewed for 1 year past the current expiration date (ie: if the current expiration date is 3/1/2025, the new expiration date will become 3/1/2026)

  1. Click Renew All Licenses link in the email

  2. Once the renewal process is completed, a popup will be displayed informing you of the renewal and will give you the option to add a comment that can be viewed later on for reference.




Manually Renew Licenses

If you do not want to use the Renew All link from an email notification, you can use the UW M365 License Portal to manually renew your sponsored account licenses.  Only accounts that are expiring within the next 30 days can be renewed via this method.

  1. Browse to My Sponsorships

  2. Using the radio buttons on the left side of the table, select the eligible account you wish to renew

  1. The selected account name will be highlighted and displayed to indicate which account the menu functions will affect

  2. Click the Renew button from the options above the table

  3. Select either 365 days, or choose a custom expiration date (only up to a maximum of 365 days in the future)

  1. Press OK once the renewal date is selected

  2. Upon completion of renewal, a pop up will display that this is completed with the new renewal date and an option to add a comment to the account(s)



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