About Teams Premium

What is Teams Premium?

Microsoft Teams Premium (Premium) is an add-on to the Teams license available with your UWaterloo Microsoft 365 account.

Cost: This add-on costs $120 USD/person/year.

Some features of Teams require a Teams Premium license:

Beginning on or around March 3, 2023:

  • Personalized timeline markers that are only available to you (e.g. when you joined or left a meeting, in a meeting recording.)

Beginning on or around April 3, 2023:

  • Translation of live captions to languages other than English. (An instructor would require a Teams Premium to use this but not the students of a class)

For information on other features, please see

How do I get a Teams Premium license?

If a Teams Premium license is required for University activities, please include all the following information in the email request to helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca

  • Indicate you would like to request a Teams Premium license.

  • Username of the person who needs the license.

  • Copy the person who approves payment for the purchase.

  • Financial account number to charge the purchase to.

  • Include the Team Premium feature required and details of the use case/required University activity the feature is needed for. IST will confirm that a Teams Premium license is required for the use case.


Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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