Quest & Email - Mass reserve inactivation query

Quest & Email - Mass reserve inactivation query

Mass reserve inactivation query (we should post it out about 1 week before the start of term) to the teams channel and email all the scheduling reps that it’s been posted.

Log into Quest, run this query to excel in Query viewer: UW_RS_SCH_RSRV_FOR_INACTV_SB

COOP, PD, TPM and WKRPT are being excluded from this query, the results will only populate for class type of “E” (which means enroll, the secondary and tertiary sections will not appear), and the career is Undergrad.

Add a column at the end in excel that says (Mark with an “X” = do not inactivate).

Remove all courses that:

  • Do not have a reserve

  • all the ones that have already inactivated their reserves this term

  • closed or cancelled courses.

  • Remove WLU Double degree reserves from WLU courses, but they should remain on the list for non-WLU courses

  • OPTOM, MSE, BASE should be removed.

Lock the rest of the sheet so that only the last column can be edited.

under Review in Excel select “Allow Edit Ranges”.


Select New…

Select the range that you want to remain editable

Then select Apply once the range has been set. Then “Protect Sheet…”

Range2 also also them to sort (if it’s an issue we should remove that access too)
Enter in the password everyone on the team knows (like the regstep Password)
Confirm the password



The query results should be saved to the UW scheduling reps team channel, Mass Reserve Inactivation also a copy can be saved to the Scheduling and Exams teams channel: Data Analysis → Mass Reserve Inactivation (Mass Reserve Inactivation) we can use the one from the scheduling and exams team channel as the original master. Systems should be pulling it from the UW scheduling reps team channel. Once the reserves have been inactivated we can move the file out and over to the scheduling and exams page.

Send from regstep.

The email:

From: UW Regstep 

To: Undergrad Scheduling Reps ONLY

Cc: Jennifer Coghlin; Tanya Pompilio; Elysia Gallinaro; Libby Askin; Alice Law 

Subject: Fall 2024 - Mass Reserve Inactivation

Date: Tuesday, January 03, 2023 9:12:21 AM 

Good morning Undergrad Scheduling reps, 

Please follow this link for a list of all reserves currently in place for the Fall 2024 term. Could you please indicate on the spreadsheet in the column provided, which reserves you do not want inactivated for the term.

Please keep in mind that all reserves will be inactivated by noon on September 11 unless otherwise indicated.  

Please make sure to update this information by September 10 at 4:00 p.m. to allow sufficient time for preparing the data for reserve inactivation on September 11. If your course/sections are missing from the spreadsheet, it might indicate that:

  • Section has already inactivated the reserves 

  • Section is closed or cancelled

  • Course does not have any reserves 

  • Department specified reason

  • It’s a graduate course (those are not included in this process) 

All the best,

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