A2 Control Loop (PI/PID) Development (Mechanical - 2025)
A2 Control Loop (PI/PID) Development (Mechanical - 2025)
Due Date: Aug 16, 2022
Contributor Log
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Controll Loop Development
Task Description
Tune the control loop for A2 motor on the dyno test rig set up. Start by tuning based on Prof Navdeep’s suggestions, starting with setting a K_p value to reach steady state, then adding a K_I value to reduce the errors. Once that is complete, test the system and record current/torque values before trying to add a K_D value for speed ramping.
Task Breakdown
Set up dyno testing jig with odrive controller
Apply varying torque on motor (needs to be defined)
Tune K_P value
Tune K_I value
Once motor control loop looks good, will test with full actuator set up
Refer to graphs on A2 New Motor Testing to help as reference.
Relevant task 1
Relevant task 2, etc.
Progress Journal
Aug 16, 2024 @Saheed Quadri (date and name)
brief update on whats done and what are the next steps, photos and images and videos are preferred
Relevant Documentation Links