Mechanical Tasks - 2025

Mechanical Tasks - 2025

This is a project management document used to define and assign tasks to UWRT mechanical members

Terms and methods used within these documents are defined below for clarity

PDR: Preliminary Design Review meeting

Task documentation must be added / created as a branch file to its task description on confluence

Members should look for available tasks identified by Unassigned in the timeline columns of the task listings. Determine which of these tasks you would like to take on, and discuss your assignment with one of the mechanical leads @Yu-Ming He , @Saheed Quadri

Below are markers and statuses that will be used to denote severity of tasks


Risk Management Types

Minor - Task is granular and/or tarries in relevancy e.g 3D print part, non critical optimizations

Major - Task is sizeable and/or considerably important e.g important component design

R&D - Research and development tasks for learning / future implementation

SUSTAINING - Reappearing task inevitably moving slower than expected and timeline needs to be rescoped

Critical - System level project and/or capable of major negative effects given a timeline slip

Blocking - Task is blocking another from starting or getting completed


Task completion Timeline Statuses:

Unassigned - Task is available and requires completion

Cancelled - Task has been completely descoped from completion

On track - Task completion aligns with proposed timeline --- #1 Severity (None)

At Risk - Task progress is running late against the proposed timeline --- #2 Severity

Delayed - Task is far behind schedule and may be rescoped for alternative or simply aborted --- #3 Severity

Completed - Task completed and closed


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