Remote Desktop Connection

Remote Desktop Connection

If you are working offsite, ensure you are first connected to the VPN before following these steps
Cisco VPN

On Windows: type in “Remote Desktop Connection” into your search bar and it should already be on your computer.

On Mac: Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection from the app store.

  1. Open the app, and type in your computer name (COMPUTERID.UWATERLOO.CA) example: (REG333.UWATERLOO.CA) and user name in the following format: (NEXUS\ID) example: (NEXUS\xuser17)

  2. To access computer, enter your computer ID and password into remote desktop connection.

    1. Example:               ID: nexus\xuser17         Password: Same password to get into computer


If you will be using your Skype for Business headset or want to use a second monitor at home you will have to change some settings in the Remote Desktop Connection app before clicking Connect. Make sure your Headset is connected to a USB port and if using a second monitor make sure it is connected before proceeding.

  1. In the app use the down arrow to expand the Show Options.


  2. For Skype for Business headset with mic you will have to Select Local Resources and in the Remote audio area click Settings:


  3. Set the settings in the new dialogue to this:


  4. then click More…:


  5. In the new dialogue check Other supported Plug and Play (PnP) devices:


  6. Now click OK and then Connect

For a second monitor:

  1. Select the Display tab and check Use all my monitors for the remote session:


  2. Now click Connect