Managing Quizzes

Managing Quizzes

Please see the additional articles available regarding the New Quiz experience

The manage quizzes section of the quiz tool is the area where you can create quizzes that will contain the questions from the question library.

Since there are a large number of options for setting up your quizzes, you may want to create a template quiz (without any questions) with all of your settings and then copy this template to create quizzes that will be populated with questions.

  1. Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to Submit in the top menu bar and choose Quizzes, to open the Manage Quizzes section.


  2. From this page, a number of tools are available to you. You can create New quizzes, or click on the More Actions drop-down menu for options CopyReorderMake Visible to Users, Hide from Users and Delete quizzes. You can also create Categories by clicking on Edit Categories to organize your quizzes.



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