Bongo Gotchas

Bongo Gotchas

This article provides a list of things to be aware of when using Bongo.

Virtual Classroom Gotchas

  1. The Calendar tool must be enabled in your LEARN course or you will receive an error message when trying to schedule a virtual classroom meeting.

  2. Presentation files uploaded to a virtual classroom meeting cannot have more than 200 pages or slides and cannot be larger than 30MB or the file will not upload properly or at all.

  3. All presentation files uploaded will be converted to PDF. If you are using animations or timing in your powerpoint presentation you may want to share your screen instead of uploading your presentation.

  4. The pointer visible during a virtual classroom meeting is NOT recorded.

  5. Virtual classroom breakout rooms are scheduled for 15 minutes by default and once the time limit is reached all users in breakout rooms will be kicked back to the main meeting. 

  6. Breakout rooms are not recorded. 

  7. When using Manage invites for a virtual classroom meeting a LEARN group called "Virtual classroom group" will be created in LEARN. These groups must remain in the course or the students invited to that meeting will not be able to access it.

  8. Scheduled meetings cannot be copied to another course, only recorded meetings. See How to copy a Virtual Classroom recording to content or another course for steps.

  9. iPads do not work with screen sharing and will not work for hand drawing equations etc. within the Virtual Classroom meeting interface.

  10. TA level 4 cannot import captions files, only the instructor appears to have access to this option.

  11. If the option to "invite entire class" is not selected, the option to schedule meetings weekly disappears.

  12. When sharing an application window during a Virtual Classroom meeting, do not close or minimize the window as doing so can interrupt the meeting's recording. Alternatively, screen share the Entire Screen to prevent interrupted screen share.

Video Assignment

  1. If a group member does not access the Group Video assignment no grade will be pushed to the LEARN gradebook for that group member regardless of their contribution to the assignment outside of Bongo.

  2. An assignment cannot be deleted if a student has files in progress or has submitted. Student submissions must be reset, the students who have work in progress or have submitted will have to be notified to remove their work from the assignment before the video assignment can be deleted. 

  3. Group assignments cannot be deleted once a student has added work to the in progress area or has submitted.

  4. LTI links to the video assignments MUST be added to Content or students will not see or be able to access the assignment.

  5. LEARN groups are not tied to Bongo groups and must be recreated within the Bongo Video assignment if they need to be replicated. If the LEARN groups are not required, new groups can be created from within Video Assignment.

  6. Students can rename video assignment group names to anything they want.

  7. Auto analysis will only analyze English, this tool does not work with other languages.

  8. Video Assignments can only be copied if the Copy all (blue button) is used when copying a course over. Additional steps to complete the copy and add the assignments to content coming soon.

Note: One gotcha that applies to both Virtual Classroom and Video assignment relates to the test student. The test student role will not appear on the Virtual classroom meeting list or in video assignment group management until you impersonate the test student and access any Bongo link. Once you have done this, the test student account will be listed to be invited to meetings and can be added to a group.