Promoting Meetings like a Webinar

Promoting Meetings like a Webinar

Managing Zoom Meetings like a Webinar

Many features (e.g., screen sharing, polling, recording) remain consistent across meetings and webinars. Below are key differences to consider:





Note: Host, Alternative host and co-host are the same for both meetings and webinar.


Participant: The controls of this role depend on the privileges the host has allowed them to have.

Panelist: Full participants in a webinar. This role can share content and answer Q&A.


Attendee: View-only participants that host can give further control to.


300 seats available

500 -1000 seats available

Host Control

Hosts choose amount of control they want participants to have. They can disable participants privileges within the meeting.

Attendees begin the webinar as view only participants. They may be granted certain controls as the host sees fit.


Q & A can be enabled to allow hosts and panelists to answer questions privately or publicly

Q&A can be enabled to allow hosts and panelists to answer questions privately or publicly.

Participant List

The participant list is viewable to all users attending the meeting and cannot be hidden.

The participant list can only be viewed by the host and panelists of the Webinar.

Configure Zoom Account

Go to Settings in your Zoom web portal and alter the permissions that participants will have in the meeting

Basic Settings

  1. Scroll down to the In-meeting (Basic) section and locate Screensharing settings

  2. Toggle On Screensharing to Host Only