Viewing recordings

Viewing recordings

Table Of Contents:


Viewing recordings when shared as a link

  1. Navigate to where the recording link has been shared with you

  2. Click the link the access the recording

  3. If your instructor has enabled Authenticated users only, you will be prompted to sign in.

    1. Click SSO on the sign in page

    2. You will be redirected to UW’s login page

    3. Enter you UW ADFS login (username@uwaterloo.ca)


  1. If the recording is passcode protected, you will be prompted to enter a password

    1. Navigate to where the recording was posted and copy the passcode that has been provided

    2. Paste the passcode into the textbox

    3. Click Watch Recording

  2. The recording will open and begin to play.

    1. If the host has enabled the audio transcript, it will appear on the right-hand side

    2. Viewers can adjust the playback speed by clicking Speed

    3. Viewers can view the transcript as subtitles by clicking the CC button in the right corner of the video player



Viewing recordings in the LEARN Widget

  1. Go to learn.uwaterloo.ca and log in with your UW credentials

  2. Go to the Course Homepage and access the Zoom widget

  3. Click the Cloud Recordings tab

  4. From the list of recordings, select the title of the recording you want to view

  5. Copy the passcode of the recording using one of the following methods:

    1. Click the Play icon and the passcode will automatically copy to your clipboard 

    2. Click the Eye icon to reveal the passcode and manually copy it 

    3. Click the Copy icon to copy the passcode to your clipboard 

  6. Click the Play icon. You will be redirected to a Zoom page and prompted to enter the passcode.

  7. Paste the passcode you copied in Step 5 click Watch Recording

  8. The recording will open and begin to play.

    1. The audio transcript will appear on the right-hand side. Note: The transcript is only available if the owner has enabled this feature.

    2. Viewers can adjust the playback speed by clicking Speed

    3. Viewers can view the transcript as subtitles by clicking the CC button in the right corner of the video player



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