Posting Zoom Meeting Links
In this article
Create a new meeting for your class
Log in to
In the navigation panel on the left, click Meetings and then click Schedule a Meeting
On the scheduling page, choose your desired settings. You can view This Zoom Page for more detailed scheduling instructions. The recommended settings for your class include:
Topic: Title the meeting with the name of your course to make it identifiable to yourself and students
Recurring meeting: Click the recurrence option and indicate how often and when the class will be reoccurring
Passcode: Set an easy to remember passcode. Users who have the meeting link will not have to manually enter the passcode.
When satisfied with the settings, click Save at the bottom of the page
The meeting will now appear in your Upcoming Meetings tab
Posting your Zoom links in LEARN
Go to your upcoming meetings tab and click the title of your meeting
In the Invite Link section, copy the link
If you are not using LEARN you can send the copied link to your participants by email.
If you are using LEARN, you can post the copied link to your LEARN course by following the instructions below.
There are two methods of adding Zoom meeting links to your LEARN course:
A. Adding a course announcement with the meeting link and password
Enter your LEARN course and click the announcement link on the course homepage
On the announcement page, click the New Item button
Enter the title of the announcement in the Headline section
In the content section, paste the meeting link and provide the meeting passcode
Click Publish
B. Adding the meeting link to the content section in LEARN
Enter your LEARN course and click Content
Click the Module you want to add the link to
Click the blue Upload/Create button and select the Create a File option from the dropdown menu
In the content section paste the meeting link and the meeting passcode
Click Save and Close