Configure a Room (or resources) with Approval Required in Microsoft 365 Outlook
Meeting room with approval required
The booking delegate can accept or decline the meeting
to set up a delegate for a meeting room or resource, submit a request and with the following information:
the name of the resource (i.e. room or equipment)
the name and username of the booking delegate
New bookings are sent to a booking delegate
Meetings are tentatively accepted if no conflicts
Resource delegates are automatically given Editor permission to the calendar folder of the resource
Settings to Set up Resource Scheduling in Outlook for the Web
All Scheduling Options are left at default values
List to automatically schedule is set to Select users and groups: with an empty list
List of those who can request approval is set to Everyone
List of those who can request approval is set to Select users and groups with an empty list
Setup settings for use by IT staff through the Exchange admin center
Go to Resources tab and open resource settings
Settings are in "Booking delegates" (only accessible by IT staff)
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