Search and Link Tickets in Jira Service Management
This article provides instructions on how to search and link tickets within your Jira Service Management project.
Searching for tickets
After logging in, to search for a ticket, you can enter the ticket number or ticket name in the search filter located at the right hand side of the page (to the left of your profile icon):
2. You will see a list of the results from your search.
Linking tickets
You can link issues to keep track of duplicate or related tickets.
Open the ticket that you want to link to.
Click on Link Issue below the name of the request ticket.
Choose the type of issue link.
4. Specify the issue(s) you want to link to by either:
a. typing the full issue
b. searching for an issue with the ticket number.
5. You can add a comment to describe why you're linking these issues and click Link or just click on Link.
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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