Request Tracker (RT) email reminders
Requesting email reminders
The IST hosted Request Tracker system is being phased out and is not longer allowing new ticket creation!
Queue owners may request to have email reminders for their queue or may choose to turn off all email reminders for their queue (this would stop the email reminders for the queue owners and the request/ticket owners for items in this queue). To request reminders be turned on/off, queue owners may send a request to
Changing criteria for email reminders
Queue owners may request a change to the number of weeks/months old a request/ticket needs to be to generate a reminder. To do this, queue owners may send a request to
Content of email reminders
Owners of requests/tickets will receive an email reminder once per week (on Wednesday mornings) if they own requests/tickets that:
Are new or open, 2 weeks old or older, and have not been replied to for 1 week or more
Are stalled, 2 months old or older, and have not been replied to for 1 month or more
Are new or open, older than 2 days, and have not been replied to at all
Owners of queues will receive an email reminder once per week (on Wednesday mornings) if requests/tickets in their queue:
Are new or open, 2 weeks old or older, and have not been replied to for 1 week or more
Are stalled, 2 months old or older, and have not been replied to for 1 month or more
Are new or open, older than 2 days, and have not been replied to at all
Are unowned and are 2 days old or older
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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