Request Tracker (RT) Requestor Documentation

Request Tracker (RT) Requestor Documentation

Included in this article:

The IST hosted Request Tracker system is being phased out and is not longer allowing new ticket creation!

Submitting a ticket

Note that most of IST and many other areas on campus have migrated to Atlassian/Jira Service Management for ticket tracking. 

  • Consult the appropriate service page or area, to confirm how to request the service you are interested in. For IST services, see the IST Service Catalogue. 

Request Tracker Tickets can be created and submitted by  

  • Sending an email directly to an RT queue (rt-queuename@rt.uwaterloo.ca) or via a related form.  

Submit a request using a request form

Request Tracker request forms may be accessed by following the instructions below:

How to complete the request form

  1. Fill in the values as required

    1. If you are submitting the ticket for another user, simply add in their 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. j25rober) or full email address(es) to the Requestor(s) field.

    2. Use the TAB key to move through the form as hitting enter (in some cases) may submit the form

  2. Once all values are filled in, click Submit to submit the form.

Logging into Request Tracker

Use your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. j25rober) and password to log in at https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/SelfService/Forms/index.html

The RT menu is along the top of the window and includes:

  • Home - takes you to the Open Tickets screen

  • Tickets - by default, you are looking at open tickets. Use the pull-down menu to access Closed tickets

  • New ticket - use this to create a new ticket in any available queue.  If you aren't sure which form is appropriate for your request, please use the IST general request form

  • Logged in as - log out of the RT system

  • Help for RT - link to support resources on uwaterloo.ca/rt

By default, the SelfService Home screen will show your currently open tickets.

Viewing a ticket

You can view a ticket from either the Open tickets page (default view on the SelfService home page) or the Closed tickets page, available from the Tickets menu. Click on the Subject to open the ticket.

Tickets have three main areas; The Basics, Dates, and History.

The Basics

The Basics area will contain the ticket ID number, the current status, the priority, and it may contain additional custom fields for that specific queue. The Requestor can also see which queue the ticket is in.


This area contains various dates and times related to the ticket creation date, last updated, due date (if set), and closed date.


This area contains the replies, comments, and changes made to the ticket.
To show all quoted text click on Show all quoted text
to show quoted text in a specific reply of comment click on Show quoted text in the specific reply or comment.

Replying to a ticket

As a ticket creator, there are two ways you can reply to a ticket. You can reply directly to an RT email notification or you can reply to a ticket via the RT web interface.

Replying to a ticket via e-mail

  • After an RT ticket is created, an email notification to the ticket requestor will be sent

  • If you reply to that email (without editing the subject line), the entire message body will automatically be added to the RT ticket as a reply

Replying to a ticket via the RT web interface

  1. From the Open Tickets listing, click on the ticket subject to view it

  2. On the right side of any comment in the History area click on the Reply link

  3. The Reply form will open on a new page

  4. Click on Submit to save your changes and submit the form

Reopening a ticket

  • If your Ticket has not been resolved to your satisfaction, reply to the resolved email you received when the ticket was first closed indicating the reason you are not satisfied

  • Find the ticket in the list of Closed tickets and click on the update link in the far-right column of the list

    • The Update ticket window will open and the status field will be changed


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Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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