Audio and Video Conferencing Options

Audio and Video Conferencing Options

There are a variety of audio and video conferencing solutions available to use here at the University of Waterloo. "One size doesn't fit all" and when it comes to audio or video conferencing, one solution doesn't fit all situations.

Some seminar rooms in the faculty of health (Teaching, Seminar, Meeting Rooms and Equipment ) are set up with Audio Conferencing equipment (Using AV equipment in BMH-2116, Using AV equipment in EXP-1686, Using AV equipment in TJB-2223).

Here are some options available and things to consider when choosing the solution for your next audio/video conference meeting.  

  • On-Campus Conference Rooms

  • Skype for Business

  • Teams

  • Webex

  • Zoom

​Please note: The first two require booking with IST well in advance of the event (Adobe Connect and On-campus Conference Rooms).

See also: Tool comparison for remote meetings and conference calls

On-campus Conference Rooms

Best for:

  • Formal presentations or recurring events with external audiences at remote sites with similar facilities (e.g. one class, two physically separate locations)

You will need:

You may need:

  • Remote site with similar audio/video equipment

Where to find out more?

Skype for Business

Best for:

  • Conversations/meetings with others at UW (especially ad-hoc or last minute meetings).

  • Document sharing and collaboration without booking a meeting room

Can be used for:

  • Meetings and presentations with non-UW contacts

  • Combined on-premise and off-campus meeting spaces with portable conference camera

You will need:

You may need:

  • Set up a trial meeting ahead of time if non-UW contacts are involved

  • Portable conference camera for larger spaces (book through the Dean's office)

Where to find out more?


Best for:

  • Conversations/meetings with others at UW (especially groups that work together on a regular basis)

  • Instant messaging, Document sharing and collaboration without booking a meeting room

Can be used for:

  • Meetings and presentations with non-UW contacts (guests can be added to Teams)

You will need:

You may need:

  • Portable conference camera for larger spaces (book through the Dean's office)

Where to find out more?

  • Microsoft