Remove the 'bowling alley effect' on wide angle video bars

Remove the 'bowling alley effect' on wide angle video bars

The Bose VB1 and Yamaha Cs-700 video conferencing equipment located in various meeting rooms in the Faculty of Health have very wide angle lenses (123 and 120 degrees respectively). That’s great when you are in are large wide classroom but if you are in a narrower room you end up with a “bowling alley effect”.


Use the Bose Workplace Configuration app (download at https://www.boseprofessional.com/en-us/products/videobars/vb1/videobar-vb1#downloads)

Use the CS-700 Camera Control app (download at https://europe.yamaha.com/en/products/unified_communications/video_collaboration/cs-700/downloads.html)

Troubleshooting the soundbars

Bose VB1 Soundbar Workplace Configuration app

  1. Connect the USB cord from the Bose VB1 Soundbar to your device

  2. You want to run up the Bose Workplace configuration application which you can find in your Start Menu by typing the name or by looking in the Bose Corporation folder.

  3. You will want to be concerned with Triangle control in the middle which controls Pan and Tilt and at the bottom is the magnifying glass with a plus which is for zoom. The house button returns the camera back to its default position.

  4. As you can see it is very bowling alley esque from the picture above, if you move the zoom and adjust the pan and tilt you can adjust the picture to be not as bowling alley like.

  5. As you can see I’ve adjusted the Pan, Tilt and Zoom and now the room is less bowling alley feeling.

Yahama CS-700 Camera Control app

  1. Connect the USB cord from the Yamaha CS-700 bar to your device.

  2. Run up the CS-700 Camera Control application which you can find in your Start Menu as CS-700 Camera Control Application or by searching CS-700.

3. You will want to be concerned with the Pan, Tilt and Zoom functions. These will allow you to adjust the camera in the room to minimize the Bowling Alley Effect.

Pan - Lets you control left to right

Tilt - Lets you control up and down

PTZ Home will reset the camera to the default position.

You can control the volume and video on the right side using Video Mute (turns off camera) and Speaker Mute to mute sound.

4. As you can see in the above picture the camera is very bowling alley esque. If you change the settings using your mouse you can adjust the camera to minimize the effect and focus on anything in the room.

As you can see I’ve adjusted the Pan, Tilt and Zoom and now the room is less bowling alley feeling.