Outlook Problems

Outlook Problems


Troubleshooting Outlook 2019/365 Problems (Desktop Application)

Appearance changed?


The user could have accidentally selected a different view on a Mail folder or the calendar without realizing it. Mail folders include Inbox, Sent, and Drafts (anything on default left hand side of Outlook, under the profile name/email address).

Select the Mail folder (it must be highlighted) or Calendar > View tab >Within Current View box > Change View. Their preferred view is most likely one of the default ones. Refer here for additional info on managing custom views.


The views of Mail folders or Calendar could be changed under the Organize tab. For a Mail folder, Arrange By and Reading Pane affect the appearance of the folder. For the calendar, there are similar options as in the Windows version, for how many days it shows (day, week, and month). There are even Grid and List options.

Emails appear in an unusual manner (oldest ones pop up first)?


The image above shows by default, the newest emails appear on the top of the mailbox. If the user doesn’t have this, click where Newest should be to get it. They would have Oldest, where the newest emails appear on the bottom of the mailbox.

There are more settings by clicking on By Date or right-clicking on that section. This includes changing the mailbox to organize emails by who they’re from.

Older emails disappeared?


File tab > Account Settings > Account Settings… > Change… with account highlighted > Make sure Use Cached Exchange Mode is checked > Move bar completely to right so all mail is kept offline > Next > Restart Outlook

Outlook Crashes on Boot


Click here to learn how to create a new Outlook profile. 

Close Outlook > Control Panel > View By: Large Icons > Mail/Courier > Show Profiles > Add profile > Login with client's info (Auto fills for Nexus computers) > Select Always use this profile > Select the newly create profile via the dropdown menu > Restart computer if needed, but opening Outlook right away should work

Search bar is slow or doesn’t return anything?


The problem is likely indexing.

Close Outlook > Go to search menu > Search Indexing Options > Modify > In the Indexed Locations window, see if Microsoft Outlook is checked. If it isn’t, check it and click OK.

If Outlook doesn’t show up in Indexing Options, close Outlook > Search Programs and Features in the search menu > Find Microsoft Office 2016 > Change > Repair > Restart the computer, and see if Outlook appears in Indexing Options. Then follow the steps in the previous paragraph.


The problem may be a few things, including the profile name itself. Refer here for more info.

Never stops loading?


These steps apply for when trying to run Outlook and the blue loading screen is continuously loading:

  1. Run Outlook in safe mode. Do this by opening Run (pressing Win+R), and entering Outlook/safe.

  2. If Outlook opens, try disabling hardware graphics acceleration. Do this by following these locations:
    File tab > Options > Advanced > Display > Check Disable hardware graphics acceleration > Close all Outlook windows and restart it (not in safe mode).

  3. If Step 2 doesn’t work, but Outlook opens in safe mode, try disabling add-ins. Do this by following these locations: File tab > Options > Add-ins > Go… beside Manage > COM Add-ins > Window pops up > Uncheck the add-ins > Close all Outlook windows and restart it (not in safe mode).

  4. If Outlook doesn’t open in safe mode, there is the possibility of it opening successfully when having a Bomgar session open on that computer. Open a Bomgar session with an ACO co-worker and try opening Outlook (doesn’t have to be in safe mode). Then, apply Step 2 and/or 3.

  5. It may be the case that the data file containing your Outlook profile is damaged. Faculty and staff have a copy of their profiles on the Microsoft Exchange server and will save data to an .ost backup file on the local C: drive. Students will most likely have a .pst backup file. Refer here for instructions on fixing these files.  

Aspect of Outlook doesn’t synchronize (Contact groups, permissions, etc.)?

These instructions apply for when Outlook is to be used on a new computer and it doesn’t have identical contacts for example, as the other computer(s). This problem could occur during a rollover.

It’s possible that running an older version of Outlook (2013, 2011, etc.) is responsible for Outlook not synchronizing. Faculty and staff can get Outlook 2016 (and Office 2016) from the IST Webstore. Students can get Outlook 2016 (and Office 2016) from logging into their Microsoft 365 accounts.

If the user already has Outlook 2016, try re-adding the account or profile. Instructions on creating a new profile:


  1. For email addresses, make sure it is userid@uwaterloo.ca.

  2. Also authenticate with userid@uwaterloo.ca, DO NOT use nexus\userid.

Cannot start up and crashes?


A few of the instructions in this link are similar to those in the ‘Never stops loading?’ section

Another idea is closing the error window and restarting the computer.

Issues opening/previewing attachments?


  1. Not all attachments are safe. Outlook blocks potentially unsafe file types including .bat, .exe, .vbs, and .js. Most of these file types share the characteristic of being programmed scripts that would carry out commands on your computer. Outlook doesn’t want people running an attachment that is actually a virus in disguise!

    Outlook warning message

    Outlook usually states it blocked an attachment in the email itself (as seen in the image above). Otherwise, it is good practice to avoid opening any attachments with suspicious names or file types. Also, only open attachments from a trustworthy source. Finally, if an attachment has a blocked file type and you know it is from a trusted source, ask to get the file through the network or use a USB device. Additional info (provides a list of all blocked file types)

  2. If any Office application attachments won’t open, follow these steps: Open Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) > File tab > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings… > Protected View > Uncheck all boxes > OK > Close program > Retry opening attachment.

  3. If any Office attachments can’t be previewed, follow these steps: File tab > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings… > Attachment Handling > Make sure Turn off Attachment Preview is unchecked > Open Attachment and Document Previewers… > Check the previewer corresponding to the Office application > OK > Retry previewing attachment.

  4. Rather than previewing attachments, try downloading it first.

  5. Believe it or not, if double-clicking an attachment won’t open it, then the double-click speed for the computer mouse may be too fast. Control Panel > Mouse > Change mouse settings > Buttons tab > Move Double-click speed nob to left and test double-clicking attachments. (Reference)


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