Apple Mail's Exchange mailboxes not displaying emails properly

Apple Mail's Exchange mailboxes not displaying emails properly

This issue occurs when you try to move your emails from inbox into subfolders (called mailboxes in Apple Mail). If you then navigate to your mailbox, you discover that all the previous emails are gone and only the last one moved is listed there. This is caused by a syncing issue that can be fixed by following the steps below.

This troubleshooting article from Apple might also be helpful: Mail User Guide for Mac

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the Apple Mail app.

  2. Click on any mailbox listed on the left hand side (also known as a subfolder).

  3. Move your cursor to the top of the screen and select Mailbox.

  4. Select Rebuild. This will refresh the page and now you should see all of the emails (including all of the previous emails) in your mailbox.

  5. Repeat the same steps for all other folders.

  6. Then, restart the Apple Mail app.

  7. Once restarted, select any mailbox (or subfolder) and right-click. Select Edit Exchange.

  8. In the left side bar, click on Exchange

  9. At the top, select Accounts.

  10. In the top right corner, select Server Settings.

  11. Select "Automatically Manage Connection Settings". If this has been selected already, leave it as is.

  12. Your screen should look like the following:

13. Restart the Apple Mail app and test your mailboxes to see if your emails have been successfully moved.

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