Computer Asset Lifecycle Management System (CALMS)

Computer Asset Lifecycle Management System (CALMS)


Asset Lifecycle chart. The stages are Planning, Acquisition, Operations, Reneval and Rehab and Disposal and EOL.

Computer Asset Lifecycle Management System (CALMS)


Computer Asset Lifecycle Management System (CALMS) is a database used to organize and keep track of assets for the Arts Computing Office. CALMS track an asset from the time it is purchased until it is time to surplus the asset. It is important that information is kept up-to-date and is accurate for us to reliably use the information from the database. 

It started as a Co-op project back in February 2015, the ACO Team decided that we needed a system to keep track of systems deployed to faculty and staff that provides additional features than the current Excel spreadsheet and MS Access database. 

It is currently being used by the Arts Computing Office, Psychology, and the Library.


  • List of features and technologies used the project

  • Summary of all web pages in CALMS and their functionalities







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