ACO Inventory Management Process

ACO Inventory Management Process



All items are shipped to the Administrative Coordinator at PAS 2034, who then undertakes the following actions:

** The responsible party is indicated in brackets () beside each step**


  1. Receipt and Verification (Administrative Coordinator):

Verify the received items reflect the purchase order.

Check for any discrepancies or damages.

Alert the supplier/Wstore if anything is missing or damaged.


  1. Unpacking and Inspection (Administrative Coordinator):

Unpack the items carefully.

Inspect each item for quality and functionality.

Report any issues immediately to the supplier.


  1. Administrative Coordinator Data Entry into CALMS (Administrative Coordinator):

Enter the details of each item into the CALMS inventory management system.

Include information such as item description, location, MAC address (if applicable) and serial numbers.

Add in the financial data pieces and packing slip. Administrative Coordinator will store financial data for administrative reconciliation process.


  1. Labeling and Tagging (Administrative Coordinator):

Label each item with a unique identifier printed from CALMS.

Ensure the labelling is clear, consistent, and does not obstruct the engraved serial number.


  1. Storage Assignment (Administrative Coordinator):

Assign a designated storage location for each item.

Organize the storage area for easy access and retrieval.


  1. Stock Shelving (Administrative Coordinator):

Place the items in their assigned storage locations.

Ensure items are stored to prevent damage and facilitate efficient picking.


  1. Documentation (Administrative Coordinator):

Maintain records of the received inventory, including invoices and financial and warranty information.

Store documentation in CALMS for future reference.


  1. Communication, Reporting, circulate team email (Administrative Coordinator):

Inform relevant parties (e.g., department, ITS staff, faculty member) about the new inventory.

 acostaff@artsservices.uwaterloo.ca and acocoops@artsservices.uwaterloo.ca

Name, quantity of assets

Location of Stored Items



  1. Periodic Review (Administrative Coordinator):

Schedule regular audits to verify inventory levels and ensure accuracy.

Conduct periodic reviews to assess inventory turnover and obsolescence.

Last reviewed by CG -  Thursday, June 27, 2024 

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