

Section 1: Planning

  • Search for ACO assets in CALMS

  • Exporting search results in CSV, PDF, and Print formats

  • Managing the status of assets

Finding assets in CALMS

Main Asset Index

  • After you login to CALMS, you will be redirected to the Main Asset Index page.

  • On this page, you can filter assets and generate reports that can assist in planning for future acquisitions.

    Main asset index page

Filtering by departments is a way to look through the assets using specific departments.

Filtering by department feature

Acquired Year is a search bar and helps you narrow down your search with specific dates.

Exporting results can be done by clicking any of the following tabs:

Export options  - csv, pdf, and print

Clicking CSV creates an excel sheet of the Assets you have selected. The CSV button exports the list of assets to an Excel spreadsheet. Once clicked on, it will download the file and it can be opened and viewed in Excel.

Exported assets viewed inExcel

Clicking PDF creates a PDF document sheet of the assets you have selected. It exports the list of assets to a PDF file and downloads the file. You can open and view it as a PDF file.

The Print button brings you to the same page, but with print options included. The Print button allows you to print the list of assets. Once clicked on, it will open up another window with your printer options. Select the printer you would like it to print to, and click Print.

Print option

Rollover: a term used for replacing someone’s old computer.

Manage Statuses (Admin)

Manage statuses will display all the asset statuses in the system and the number of assets that are associated with that status.

Other features

Under Assets, Surplus and Spare Assets there are some additional features you can click on (ex. Show 15 rows). Below are the explanations of each feature:

Show 15 rows

Show 15 rows button

This feature allows you to change the amount of assets that display in the list provided. You can change the default 15 rows to 25, 50 or all.


Copy button

The Copy feature allows you to copy the list of assets to your clipboard.

Column visibility

Column visibility button

The Column visibility button gives you options of what you would like to be displayed under the assets. Once clicked on, there will be a list of options from the asset list such as ID, Item, ACO number, and so forth. Click on which every descriptive (ex. ID) that you would like to be removed from the column display.

Print Labels

Print labels button

Select the Print Labels button to print a label for an asset. Before printing, check that the label printer is selected. There is a label printer in each helpdesk and one in PAS 2081.

a)   Select assets on white space (use “CTRL + click” to select multiple)

Print labels button

Print labels

  • Can be customized using *.env file variables:

    • PRINTLABEL_LINE1="string"

    • PRINTLABEL_LINE2="string"

    • PRINTLABEL_LINE3="string"

"Print Datasheet" button: Located on main asset listing page.

The Print Datasheet button:

Print datasheet button

Recently Deleted

Recently updated assets

This area of the dashboard will display any assets that has had any action done to them.

Recently deleted assets

This section of the dashboard will display any assets that have been deleted. You can undo the delete action if you accidently deleted an asset by clicking this button:

Undo action button


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