Advanced Search Page
Advanced Search
1. Go to the Assets dropdown menu, and select List Assets.
2. Click Advanced Search from the “Filter Assets” section. You will be redirected to the Advanced Search page.
3. In the Advanced Search page, you will see the following tabs:
Basic Search - sort by asset number, item, serial number, user name, category, status, role, and department
User - sort by user ID and user type
Asset - sort by colour, location, vendor, and number of ports
Rollover - sort by rollover year and date, acquirement date, and rollover cycle
Tags - sort by personal (my tags) and public tags
Saved Searches - enables saving of search parameters, and run personal and publicly-saved search parameters
4. Select any of the tabs and filters, then the table will be populated with the results corresponding the selected search parameters.
NEW: ACO Number (Asset No.) allows users to enter a range of asset numbers.
4. To clear the search results, click Reset.