CALMS Overview
Main Features
Advanced search - enables users to specify additional requirements for searching assets
Asset copy - enables creating duplicate copies of an asset
Asset loan - allows us to loan assets for a short period of time to students, capture their signature, and send email notifications to them and the person who loaned the item on its due date
Auditing - enables tracking changes in asset information
Bulk edit - enables editing multiple items at the same time
Comments – should be used for comments relevant to the asset (repairs, comments from users, hardware status etc)
Files – allows upload of files relevant to the asset (as requested by Sherry to allow take-home forms to be attached to an asset)
Finance - allows tracking of funds used to purchase an asset
Global search box - available from the menu to search for assets and users in the system
Integration with APIs (Crashplan, Munki, SCCM, Del Warranty API) - allows the system to gather accurate information about the asset and reduce errors from manual data entry
Inventory Support – asset tags can be printed from the asset listing or asset detail page. The tags feature a QR Code which contains the ACO # of the asset.
MySQL - used to store asset and user information
Creation of assets without ACO numbers - used for miscellaneous accessory items
Recovery keys tab (for tracking Bitlocker or FileVault keys) - used to be stored on a file share; storing it on CALMS means we no longer have to clean-up the folder and locating a key related to the asset is now easier
Security system – roles can be created and permissions can be assigned for each role to customize what a user can or cannot do in the system
Users are manually added to CALMS by using LDAP - user information for those in the database is refreshed daily by querying LDAP. User Type column is determined based on LDAP and has the current values (Staff, Faculty and Other).
Navigation Menu Pages and Processes
Add assets individually or by bulk
Create asset inventory batch
Send emails using templates to request for DNS, AD and Deployment follow-up
Create, delete and re-assign asset categories
Create and re-assign roles to assets
Display information on departments, department admins and support persons
Display number of assets associated for every asset status
Manage asset statuses
Manage finance accounts
Manage softwares installed on assets by name and version
Manage vendors by name, contact information, and website
Add assets to surplus bins
Print list of assets in surplus bins
View information on bin disposal form, pickup status and request date
Track the number of assets in each surplus bin
Spare Assets
Filter by asset categories or operating systems
Spare assets count to determine the number of spares assets in the inventory
Track assets for deployment to faculty and staff, and for loaning to students
Create, delete and re-assign user types
Edit user information
Filter users by department and type
Manage user roles and permissions
Search users by ID or name
User information displayed in a table view
View user profiles