Email - Finalized Timetable

Email - Finalized Timetable

This is sent out when we still have the DCU open for Instructor assignments only, they now need Associate Dean/departmental designate approval for time changes. See this procedure to make those changes.

When sending out Finalized Timetabler - it’s called “Timetable w Deliv Meth & cap” in Timetabler under the MyViews. Also remove the instructor Quest ID number.

From: UW Regstep 

To: All scheduling reps

Cc: Madi Polanic; Danielle Jeanneault; Jennifer Crane; Jennifer Coghlin; Tanya Pompilio; Elysia Gallinaro; Libby Askin; Annette Ertel; Meghan Miceli

Subject: RE: Fall 2023 finalized timetable - Please read carefully 

Date: Monday, June 26, 2023

Attachments: 1239-Finalized Timetable as of June 26.xlsx 

Good morning Graduate and Undergraduate Scheduling Representatives,

The Fall 2023 timetable is now finalized. It was created using Course Combinations, Selected Teaching Windows, instructor, course and room constraints and all other course and instructor information you have provided us. It was further refined with the revisions made during the Preliminary Review Period.

Please review and request any further changes to your fall courses using the following methods:

Preliminary Sectioner reports will start to run on July 4 and it is best to have your schedules as firm as possible by that date.

Reminder: the only data you can self-edit within the DCU at this time are instructor names.

DCU Link: https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/

All time change requests will now require approval from your Associate Dean/departmental designate, regardless of whether or not students are enrolled/pre-enrolled in the class.

Fall Sectioner will start to run on July 14.

The attached timetable may be distributed to others in your area including department heads, staff and faculty.

All the best, 

The Scheduling Office Team 

Elysia, Tanya, and Libby

Registrar’s Office

519-888-4567, ext. 49983

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