Working Remotely with Microsoft Teams session materials - April 9 (Advanced course)

Working Remotely with Microsoft Teams session materials - April 9 (Advanced course)

Powerpoint slides 

Q&A from this session 





How do you use the Whiteboard app during the meeting? 

A Whiteboard app demonstration was not provided during the session since the session recording would have ended. Instructions on how to use the Whiteboard app can be found here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-whiteboard-in-microsoft-teams-7a6e7218-e9dc-4ccc-89aa-b1a0bb9c31ee?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

Is there a quick way for a person taking minutes to produce a list of those who are in attendance?

This feature isn't currently available, but is on Microsoft's backlog: https://microsoftteams.uservoice.com/forums/555103-public/suggestions/33989875-view-or-export-a-list-of-users-who-attended-a-meet

How do you share your screen and how do you "meet now"?

To share content, please refer to the following article: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/share-content-in-a-meeting-in-teams-fcc2bf59-aecd-4481-8f99-ce55dd836ce8.

For Meet Now, when in a channel in the Start a new conversation text box at the bottom below that is a row of icons for other features, including the "Meet Now" button that is a video camera icon.

Is there a faster way to schedule meeting attendees where you don't have to type each name individually?

If you create the meeting within the Teams Calendar, you have the option to "Add channel" where you can select a specific Team/Channel to invite which will include all people in there.

Can I create a meeting for a private channel within a team?

Yes you can! If you go into your private channel, there's a camera icon below your message box. If you select the icon you can meet now or schedule a meeting for a later date.

Are there any costs or fees associated with using this platform as University staff?

No costs - it's free as part of our Microsoft 365 license! For more information, please see: Home | Microsoft 365

Will everyone in the meeting have access to poll results via forms.microsoft.com? So everyone knows who voted for what (like it would have been in face-to-face meetings)?

A result summary sharing feature is enabled in Forms. With the result url, anyone can view the results summary.
You can find the “Create summary link” in “…” in responses page.

Can I schedule meetings for a private channel within a team?

At the moment there's no option to schedule a meeting for a private channel.

It was just stated that editing within Teams is currently disabled. However my team is currently using an Excel spreadsheet which we can all edit directly in Teams.

There is still an active advisory from Microsoft about this, but it is possible that capacity could be increasing as their time permits. If it is working for you, that is great! We just cannot guarantee it will always work until we hear they have lifted their restrictions.

Can you transcribe the video to text?

Video can be transcribed to text during meetings only in real-time at the moment. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Use-live-captions-in-a-Teams-meeting-4be2d304-f675-4b57-8347-cbd000a21260

How many attendees can be in a meeting?

There can be up to 250 people in a meeting.

How can I add OneDrive to my computer?

Go to microsoft365.com and click the 'Install Office' button.

Is there an option in Teams for asynchronous collaboration, as in a discussion forum, rather than a chat?

The meeting notes is an option you have for asynchronous collaboration. Only one user can edit the meetings notes at a time.

I want to find a free time for my team meeting, but the "Scheduling Assistant" only shows my own calendar.

At this time that is only possible if you add the Team members individually to the meeting. If you add the channel it does not automatically populate the attendee list in the scheduling assistant.

If you need to host a series of meetings it's best to do that in outlook and click on the teams logo in outlook that way you can make changes to meeting dates. I found you can't do that in just Teams.

Thanks for the feedback! Outlook is stil a great tool for meeting scheduling if there are certain features that are not yet available from the scheduling within Teams!

If you're doing a town hall or any kind of presentation meeting even like the one that is happening now, is it being recorded through Teams? As I know that this session is being recorded according to the email sent out previously.

Yes these events are recorded using the live events feature in Microsoft Teams. Live events is not currently available for everyone yet.

Is there one place where you can see all your files?

In the left-hand sidebar of the Teams window, you can click the 'Files' button to view all files.

Are there any limits for live events we could host? For example are their restrictions on the frequency or length of the live events?

There are company wide restrictions on the number of events that can be hosted (set globally for any Microsoft365 Tenant, we cannot change this). But there does not appear to be any restriction on length. This feature is not yet enabled (other than for the presenter) by UW and further information will come at a later date when we are ready to make this available.

How do I involve people external to UWaterloo?

You can add external users using their external email: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/add-members-to-a-team-in-teams-aff2249d-b456-4bc3-81e7-52327b6b38e9

Is it possible to add only specific team members to different channels?

Yes, this can be done now with private channels.

I thought Teams was to replace SharePoint.

There are no plans to replace Sharepoint with Teams at this time.

Is it possible to invite attendees to a meeting who don't have a teams account? For example could I send someone a link they could click on to join the meeting automatically?

You can invite users to a meeting even if they don't have a teams account. Add their email in the attendee field and they'll be able to join the meeting using the link.

I have a personal OneDrive account on my laptop. Will I be able to add this OneDrive folder to my laptop also? Or am I only allowed a single OneDrive folder stored locally?

Yes, you can have more than one OneDrive account/folder stored locally. For more info, see our OneDrive documentation.

Can external users install the Teams app? Or do they need a paid O365 license?

It is not required to have an O365 license to install the Teams app.

Is there a way to create a template form that I can pull up in different meetings with three options (yea, nay, abstain) that we can easily pull up as needed in a meeting for voting?

I don't believe there's a way to create a template form, but once you've created a form you can create a copy of it through forms.microsoft.com. Alternatively, it may be easier in your case to use the in chat form option (type @form in the message box) and create a quick form.

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