Microsoft Teams - Requesting a Roster-synced Team

Microsoft Teams - Requesting a Roster-synced Team

The process outlined below is required if you did not request the creation of a Roster-synced Team during the Request the Creation of my LEARN Course process.

For guidance on how to use your Team once it is created, please see our Teams documentation.

Requesting a Roster-synced Team after your LEARN course has been created

  1. In your LEARN course offering scroll to the Course Tools widget on the course homepage

  2. Select Instructor Tools


  3. On LearnTools My Courses page, select the course you want to request Microsoft Teams for on the left (if this is not already selected)

    1. In the right pane, click on Teams Request


  4. On the Teams Request page, check the box Request MS team.


  5. Click Submit

Note: The Microsoft Team will be created as soon as possible but access to the LEARN course and roster synced Team is based on the start date of the LEARN course. The Microsoft Team will contain the same registered student roster as the LEARN course, manually created groups and TAs need to be added manually by the instructor.


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Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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