Email - Schedule of Classes is now updated

Email - Schedule of Classes is now updated

Once the upload has finished we should post a message to Teams in the UW Scheduling reps channel:

Good afternoon UW Scheduling reps - we have successfully uploaded the Winter 2025 (1251) term into Quest and WatRooms. Please check to ensure that everything is correct, read through the email instructions for further details and connect with us via Change Request forms or email if we need to correct something. Thank you!


This email is sent out to all the reps after we have finished moving all of the information within Timetabler to Quest.

From: UW Regstep 

To: All Scheduling Reps

Cc: Elysia Gallinaro; Jennifer Coghlin; Madi Polanic; Danielle Jeanneault; Tanya Pompilio; Libby Askin ; Meghan Miceli; exams@uwaterloo.ca

Subject: RE: Winter 2023 (1231) - Schedule of Classes is now updated 

Date: Thursday, November 03, 2022 1:16:30 PM 


Good afternoon, 

The Winter 2023 (1231) Schedule has been finalized and the Schedule of Classes is now updated. 

Please go onto the Schedule of Classes/in Quest/on WatRooms and check all information pertaining to your subject(s). Sectioner will run November 11 and 12 (pre-enrolled students will be scheduled into their actual Undergraduate class sections). 

Additional changes (if any) must be submitted to the Scheduling Office by 4pm on November 10. 

 Graduate Scheduling Representatives…though your courses are not involved in the Course Selection/pre- enrolment process, it is very important that you also review your schedule(s) to ensure an accurate finalized timetable is released. 

In need of your attention: 

  • If you no longer require the room(s) assigned to you, let us know. 

  • Report any courses that should be assigned department/faculty/affiliated college-managed rooms instead of REG rooms. 

  • Ensure any remote/blended/CEL offerings are listed in the Online room in Quest and report to us if they are not. 

  • Inform instructors of the times/rooms that have been assigned to their courses. 

  • Ensure lab sections have an appropriate lab room assigned. 

  • Ensure that the sum of your capacities for secondary/tertiary meets (TUTs/LABs/TSTs etc.) is exactly equal to the sum of capacities set for primary meets (LECs, SEMs etc.). 

  • Check reserves to ensure accuracy and remove any that contradict requisites listed in the course catalog. 

  • Check your enrolment notes to ensure that they’ve been coded correctly/have not been omitted in error. Note: they can often be very outdated and can cause confusion. 

  • Check odd/even dates for accuracy/ensure no stat holidays/Reading Week dates/UW holidays etc. appear on odd/even/block courses. 

  • Check class associations and pay close attention to related section set-up as this is difficult to alter after students are enrolled in the real sections. 

  • Block courses require start/end dates to be coded as well as a note that reads “Block course.” 

  • Add missing TST slot date(s)/time(s). 


  • We will only accept change requests/direct communications from designated Departmental Scheduling Representatives. Please discuss changes to heldwith courses with the other department(s) first to ensure they agree before sending us a Change Request Form and record their email address on the form please. 

  • Courses/sections that need to be cancelled if students are enrolled in the real sections need to be approved by your Associate Dean (or designate if you don’t have an Associate Dean). 

  • Time changes (whether students are enrolled or not) must be approved by your Associate Dean (or designate). 

All change requests for 1231 should now be sent to us on a Change Request Form which can be found here: 


Note: We do not have access to reliable academic block/instructor conflict information now that the data is in Quest and on the Schedule of Classes. Time changes may cause conflicts for your students/instructors/courses and should be thoroughly investigated with all stakeholders before a request is submitted. 

Happy Scheduling! 

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