Email - Course Combinations for upcoming term

Email - Course Combinations for upcoming term

The course combinations for the upcoming term should be sent out to all the reps about halfway through the DCU being open for Data entry.

From: UW Regstep 

To: All scheduling Reps

Cc: Jennifer Coghlin; Libby Askin; Tanya Pompilio; Elysia Gallinaro;

Subject: Course combinations in Spring 2023 DCU 

Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 10:14:31 AM 

Attachments: 1235 - Course combinations for review_Dec 21.xlsx 


Good morning, 


Attached is a list of all course combinations entered as of this morning in the DCU. These are primarily course combinations that we carried forward along with any edits applicable to Spring 2023 that scheduling reps may have entered since DCU opened. It is essential that you review everything entered and revise as you see fit. 


Please continue communicating with other departments about use of their courses in your combinations and vice versa. 


Reminder: you are coding for your student’s needs. 


Example: a CS student may have a MATH-labelled core course requirement – the CS department adds that MATH course to the CS course combination. The MATH rep doesn’t need to duplicate by creating this same combination. Their focus will be to code course combinations for the MATH students. 


For those that prefer it, we store a variety of documents in Teams and the link for this one is found here: 

1235 - Course combinations for review_Dec 21.xlsx 

This information can also be found within the DCU as well through the reports section called Course Combinations for Dept Review.

Thanks and have a great day,

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