Nucleo Shield - Sahil Kale/Teodora Vujovic

Nucleo Shield - Sahil Kale/Teodora Vujovic

Nucleo Shield

The Nucleo Shield is intended to act as an addition to the STM32F446RE Nucleo board in order to allow for the firmware team to test their code on the same hardware that would be used on actual boards.

The Nucleo Shield currently features:

  • 2x CAN transceivers with the ability to terminate an existing CAN network
  • 1x RS-485 transceiver
  • 1x BISS encoder chip
  • 1x SD card connector and chip
  • 1x Broadcom AEAT-6012 encoder chip


The STM32F446RE Nucleo features breakout headers that the shield is designed to interface with. The above figure shows the schematic breakout of the headers.


The Nucleo Shield features 2 CAN transceivers that can connect to or terminate an existing CAN network. J5 and J6 allow for the shield to connect to the CAN network without the need for a specific molex connector.



SD Card Connector

Former user (Deleted) 's schematic

Broadcom AEAT-6012 Encoder


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